Case study
Talent management and the succession pipeline
By Alain Beaudoin
Working closely with the HR team, we developed a strategy, a program and the appropriate support materials. We trained the HR team, the recruits’ line managers and the recruits themselves throughout all 8 modules.

The St-Hubert Group comprises around 10,000 employees working in 2 departments: St-Hubert Restaurant division, which consists of 120 rotisseries and a call centre and St-Hubert Retail, which runs 2 food-processing factories and 2 distribution centres. To develop a talented succession pipeline to fill its key positions, the St-Hubert Group decided to introduce:
- A mixed strategy for developing internal talent
- A strategy for accelerating development
- A strategy for learning how to operate “just-in-time”
Basing their decisions on the needs of the business plan combined with HR tools and processes, managers were asked to identify employees in their department who “show a high level of performance and potential”.
- Develop a corporate talent pool to fill employment opportunities
- Attract and retain talent
- Develop the talents of employees who have been identified as offering high performance and high potential
FORMATION was selected because it offered:
- A practical approach focusing on their business reality
- An innovative vision
- An approach that involves all age groupsA strategy focused on learning by doingA program that uses existing company projectsA collaborative platform
- Ongoing support and guidance
- Senior staff involvedCoaching in mentoring recruits
Working closely with the HR team, we developed a strategy, a program and the appropriate support materials. We trained the HR team, the recruits’ line managers and the recruits themselves throughout all 8 modules.
Our solution : LIA
A pilot scheme was introduced in the form of a Leadership in Action program (LIA), conducted over12 months, with a cohort of 15 supported by the project’s key conditions for success. The program is based on leadership development best practice and uses our PLP strategy (Prepare – Learn – Put into Practice), which comprises a variety of learning activities. Group learning workshops are only one of the training strategy’s many different elements.
Development program
Self-learning component (Weeks 1 and 2)
- Reading with recaps and questions
- Webcasts
- Surveys
- Critical thinking exercises
Exploratory workshop and teamwork (Weeks 3 and 4)
- Follow-up since last meeting
- Practical workshop
- Application of learning to project the learner is assigned to
Global transfer (Weeks 5 and 6)
- Putting learning into practice
- Taking action in own work-related projects
- Sharing concepts and ideas
- Coaching others
- Contributing to our ‘sharing’ website
Program modules
Each 6-week module is a self-contained unit with a specific objective focusing on one of the following 8 themes.
- Introducing LIA including DiSC profiling and taking charge of self-development
- Feedback, the key to performance management
- How to generate creative solutions
- Achieving success through effective change management
- Learning to use 3 significant levers of influence
- Controlling your reactions so that they don’t control you
- Managerial courage, a positive approach
- Becoming a coach!
Everything they need to succeed
Various elements of support were put in place to ensure that the pilot project was a success:
- Strong commitment from senior management.
- A strategic HR vision, a practical approach aligned with the business strategy.
- HR working in association with all sections of the company.
- Specific criteria for identifying talent.
- A large-scale communication plan.
- Key messages and FAQs to help line managers manage the expectations of both selected recruits and non-selected staff.
- Advance meeting with recruits showing potential, including signature of letter of commitment.
- Team meetings to explain the program and how recruits will be selected.
- Introductory activity to launch the program with recruits, their mentors and management.
- Training and a guide provided for immediate line managers.
- Coaching course for HR team assigned to the project and acting as mentors.
- DiSC psychometric tool used to assist self-knowledge and improve communication with others.
- Strategic projects identified as fields of application for what has been learnt.
- A collaborative platform for sharing experience and good practice.
Talent management and the succession pipeline at the St-Hubert group. A midterm review revealed the following impacts:
- Preparatory work was appreciated and met expectations.
- What has been learnt is put into practice both in day-to-day situations and in specific projects.
- There is always a meeting between line-managers and recruits after every workshop.
- Mentoring is highly appreciated, with some recruits even saying that they would like to mentor future cohorts.
- Workshops are participatory and practical. There is clearly synergy and collaboration between IC and St-Hubert.
- Learning activities are varied and targeted.
- Recruits feel that they have grown both personally and professionally.
- Recruits recommend that the program should be continued and new cohorts identified.
- Recruits demonstrate a strong desire to stay with a company that has invested in their professional development.
With Nicole Vachon (IC FORMATION) and Ginette Longchamp, Vice-President, Human Resources, St-Hubert Group
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